Emmy Awards season means parties, awards, fancy dinners, and if you’re a celebrity (or lucky reporter) around town, a few freebies, yep, swag. However, after you’ve received your goody bag, sometimes you wonder if there is more to it than just a good time.
Here are few services and products (not vice versa) that remind us of what giving can be about.
Each year Suzanne Lindley, a cancer survivor and executive director of Yes! Beat Liver Tumors stands patiently and sweetly at her booth at the Debbie Durkin Eco Emmy event with beautiful pictures and earth scenes such as mountains and water to one side and a place for celebrities to sign a giant poster board and offer their support to her organization that takes donations and writes grants for cancer research.
Orange County, California resident John Harris heads up GuardaHeart which allows Emmy suite attendees to take a free blood test to check for cholesterol, high blood pressure and other health problems.
We Rock Green Mics puts celebrities, high schoolers and poetry together. “We get a celebrity, they give us an idea for a green poem and then we go back home and assign it to a kid or a class. Then the kids write about, we edit and film it and we send it back to the celebrity. “Keith David said, ‘My poem was dope,’ ” says a rep.
And then, along with the helpful comes stuff that is so on trend that you think, why didn’t ‘t I think of this. Such is the case of Chocstry, an artisan chocolate company that creates mouth-watering chocolate pieces that Chef P. Ashley Rix says is part history, chemistry and artistry. All we know is that they are pretty and some have a sweet potato, Spanish saffron, Gorgonzola Dolce bleu cheese center coming in heart-shaped, square-shaped or with actual messages on top. Oh, and they are delicious!
Everyone wants better sound and when one can get a lot of features in a portable spearker, why not? iharmonix Q-i-sound stereo bluetooth speakers are wireless so it really doesn’t matter where one wants to take them, they will go there. For gadget freaks, the stereo bluetooth speakers come from Qmadix, which has lots of stuff for your phone and for your ear, including sunglasses with bluetoooth insertion.
Ollin Arm Candy is the cutest recycle project or prettiest bunch of handbags, wallets and change purses. Actually a bit of both as creator Nohui Ollin creates the bags with defective candy wrappers sent from companies that originally would have just sent them to landfills.
Next week, back to post-award Hollywood life, well, until the next awards’ show festivities.

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