Congrats on your new show and your pregnancy. Do you have any possible names picked out?
We’ve gone through all different kinds of names but we’re pretty much set on our names, so we’ll se what happens.
And you want to be surprised?
I do want to be surprised.
As a fashion mentor, how has your pregnancy affected your perspective? For example, are you more concerned with comfort now?
I definitely look for comfort. I buy bigger sizes, which is important. I haven’t really done maternity clothes because I don’t really love a lot of maternity stuff, so I’m actually using it as a fun business thing to do, so the next thing you will see from the Jessica Simpson Collection is maternity.
Are there mistakes aspiring designers make that you can only learn once you’ve been in the business a while?
Yeah, absolutely. I think if you don’t fail at something you won’t learn. It’s good to throw out different designs and see what is working in the retail industry, what will work. It’s also really important to play it safe. I like to play it safe but push trends. Like coming Spring, the biggest trend is going to be color blocking and that’s what we talked to a lot of the upcoming designers about, like try to put together the best colors, give everything a pop of color but make it to where you can always wear a cute black dress with it, wear it to work. It’s really important to make garments that are very universal from work, from day to night.
Having been on a reality show that was all about your life, how different is a show like this?
Well, this is great because I get to talk about clothes the entire time. I definitely am in there with everybody and we talk about life stuff and we care and the struggles that we have all gone through so it’s good to be there and be an encouragement. I’m glad that I don’t have to judge. I would be awful at judging and sending somebody home so I’m better at the encouragement part and hopefully bringing the best out in the designer and what they want to do.
What’s one beauty product you can’t live without?
My face wash from Beauty Mac is amazing because it has aloe in it. Especially through pregnancy right now I get really, really dry. So now I’m not dry because I have aloe on my skin at all times.
UPDATE: Elle Magazine via People.com reports Simpson is expecting a girl.
Fashion Star Debuts March 13 on NBC
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